Welcome to the Jumble: Organizing Apps
Welcome to the Jumble:
Organize Your iPhone Apps!
Ready to Organize your iPhone Apps?
Whether we consciously realize it or not, it's frustrating and exhausting to use our phones when they're a disorganized mess and it's hard to find things!
When we organize our apps, it's faster to find the ones we want. And we're less likely to go down distracting rabbit holes. Our phones will also stress us out less! Our phones should be enjoyable, not something we fight with. Or an accidental time suck because we only notice our secret shame distracting app!
Let's get started on Organizing our iPhones!
(Vertical YouTube versions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDJBaH1Zjm28J251ufGl4gqUWtNaX5_X- )