Chaos Free Family, a product of Chaos Free ADHD, LLC., is hosted by Devise and Conquer, a collaborative coaching platform.

Chaos Free Family is an education and support program for parents of children with executive function challenges caused by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)*. It is designed to help parents address the most common ADHD challenges like:

  • Time management
  • Task initiation/completion
  • Organization
  • Emotional control
  • Following instructions/defiance
  • Effective discipline
  • Growing independence

*This program has also shown to be effective for families impacted by high functioning autism, traumatic brain injury, and fetal alcohol syndrome.


A parent's biggest obstacle to helping their child is not truly understanding how the ADHD brain works. Not only do you come away from this section with a better understanding of your child's behavior, this new perspective creates new responses to your child's challenges. These new responses are the foundation of finding peace with ADHD. No more thinking the worst of your child.


Learn evidence-based strategies that address the foundational needs for all children with ADHD - Time Management, Organization, Task Completion, Transitions, and Managing Emotions.

Parents also learn positive parenting discipline strategies that actually change their child's behavior. No more wondering why punishment is not improving behavior.


The Chaos Free Improvement Method teaches you how to create consistent daily routines, develop effective personal habits, and grow your child's level of independence. No more thinking your child will be dependent on you forever!

Get Started TODAY!

What Parents Say about Chaos Free Family

"This is what we needed all along!" - Julie H.

"It's worth every penny. It's worth your time. It's just a happier household." - Lisa P.

"The tools we learned are very effective in relieving the frustration we felt with our daughter. We just feel like better parents now." - Steve T.

"Our daughter is so proud of her independence. She just seems more confident and happy." - Kristi B.

Parent Training/Coaching IS Part of the Recommended Treatment for Your Child

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends both symptom and behavioral management for the treatment of childhood ADHD. Symptom intensity is often controlled using medication under the care of a physician. Parent training/coaching, a primary part of Behavioral Management, teaches parents how to develop their child's life skills and implement strategies to overcome the unique challenges of ADHD. This type of support also helps parents use the positive parenting techniques so important in raising a child with ADHD.

Start Your Journey to Peace NOW!