Is your device getting in the way?
If you're binging shows in the evening, does it get in the way of your intimacy? "Just one more!" and autoplay make it hard to disengage until it's way too late for other activities. Or maybe your endless scroll is Instagram or TikTok... whatever!
We'll talk about how devices can get in the way. And, maybe, how technology can help you get your intimacy back.
Let's Bring Attention to Our Health
I made this course to explore the ways our health and ADHD are impacted by the technology we use every day.
You can watch the introduction video to get a feel if my delivery style and the quality are a good fit for you!
What do I Uniquely Bring to this topic:
Make Exercise less Boring
We have lots of theoretical reasons to exercise, but that's just not enough. We need plans, and to get past the barriers in our way.
That's where I bring in my background in cognitive neuroscience, and years of experience helping clients find exercise that works for them. One of the worst barriers with ADHD is the existential dread of something being boring! Let's come up with some less-boring options!
Reproduction / Cycle Talk
Not enough folks in technology talk about good apps and tools for cycle tracking and fertility. That's fair, most of them have "outdoor plumbing!"
And, unfortunately, there are a lot of predatory apps out there. As though tracking things isn't hard enough with ADHD, now we have fear and decision fatigue about how to start!
Let's talk about tech that works, tech that doesn't, and how to spot which apps might protect your privacy!
Sleep, ADHD, and Neuroscience
Sleep and ADHD are no joke. We already struggle with sleep, but the devices in our lives don't make this any easier. And less sleep makes ADHD symptoms worse.
I love the intersection of health, technology, attention, and neuroscience. How are the devices getting in the way? Let's talk about how to mitigate that, and improve our sleep!
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Where else can you find me?
I make videos about technology, productivity, and ADHD on YouTube:
I'm the cofounder of The ADHD Guild, a community of nerdy folks with ADHD. We get stuff done and support one another. Accountability, Coworking, and ADHD Education.
I provide ADHD, Technology, and Productivity Coaching at You can find most of my work here.